Optimization Content Management Site:

Click to listen to our song The Website Blues : Ilocal1 I am just sitting here on Sunday night long after I told myself I was finished for the day.  I just ran a payment for one of my customers and they are really coming up strong on the search engines.  I watch and research all of my customers and since 90% of my customers now have been migrated over to Joomla or WordPress I am really still very happy with the results and organic placements of most of my sites.  I have numerous sites that regularly are on the first page of the major search engines and I feel like I am really getting my SEO process dialed in.  As a business owner we still don’t charge for this but my end results are starting to make me think about doing this much more.

I had to chuckle when I was thinking about some of the people I know that presume to be SEO experts.   A few have said that the search engines don’t like Joomla and favor WordPress in that genre of content management.  I must say that I disagree.  I am able to really dial in joomla so well and they are my most productive SEO sites.  I still have a few things to learn about WordPress SEO but for a web designer I am very happy with my basic site results.  So many people charge so much more than me for basic SEO services and I just try to load a basic website with basic seo so they get a good start.  I don’t continue to provide ongoing SEO service but boy….my sites still appear to be working well.  I have numerous sites across numerous industries that are first page google.  I don’t pretend to be a know it all web designer or a know it all SEO guru…but when my competition brags about how great they are it sure make me feel that much more confident about my client bases results.