What They Don't Tell You About: Web Design - Part 1

What They Don’t Tell You
About Web Design
Part 1
Dear Business Owner,
Today’s article is the first in a series of seven. In today’s market you can’t afford to waste your marketing dollars. Every cent must produce a satisfying return on investment (ROI). If your marketing dollars are wasted you’ve lost money and ground to your competitors.
Having a website built correctly will bring you qualified leads you can turn into loyal paying customers. When website building companies visit they dazzle you with website templates. They tell you how “nice” your website will look. But there’s an important ingredient they’re forgetting to share.
“If your web design doesn’t produce a qualified lead or sale, your web design has failed.”
Can you remember that? Website companies don’t share this fact. What’s your reason for having solid web design? Do you want prospects to call and tell you how nice your website looks? No, you want them to buy your products or services.
There are many web design profit triggers. Over the next few weeks I’ll share 7 of them with you. Today you’ll learn about the first Web Design Profit Trigger.
Web Design Profit Trigger #1
When I first learned about this web design profit trigger I didn’t believe it would work. How could something so simple work so well? Site after site I talked with owners who gave me the same answer. Use this web design profit trigger and you’ll notice an increase in calls and sales.
Place your phone number at the top of your site on the left or right hand side. Why does this grab their attention and increase your calls and sales? People are too busy. When they see the one thing they’re looking for on your home page, they want to call. They don’t care about reading the rest of the information. They can come back to it later.
You save them time by listing the phone number where they can immediately see it. We’re all trained from pre-school to read from left to right. Make your phone number easy to see. Keep “loud” graphics and other elements away from your phone number.
When prospects see you won’t waste their time they’ll call you.
Next time you’ll learn about web design profit trigger #2. This one provides a double benefit to your business and website. It may be the largest web design profit trigger there is.
Clyde McDade is a Website Copywriter who writes websites for iLocal, Inc.
You can learn more about iLocal, Inc. at .